A science fiction story to imagine alternative worlds. Three girls from different planets find the book of Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi. Thios reading will generate questions about the situation of women in history. From here, they will embark on a journey through space and time that will take them to meet at a common point. With The Tale of Persepolis, La Coja Dansa wants to pay tribute to science fiction writers who, through their literary works, have questioned, from the margins, the status of women and their constant loss of rights. A montage of extraordinary beauty with a suitable rhythm for the avid glances of childhood. A piece where comics, dance, videomapping and cinema come together with surprising results.
TIPUS: Dansa contemporània, videomapping
Creació i direcció: Tatiana Clavel i Raúl León.
Interpretació i coreografia: Paula Romero, Inka Romaní i Julia Zac.
Direcció de moviment: Santi de la Fuente.
TIPUS DE PÚBLIC: Infantil i familiar
EDAT RECOMANADA: de 6 a 12 anys
DURACIÓ: 45 minuts